
I'm here to help

My services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client.
I offer one-on-one consultations as well as workshops to benefit your whole team.

Learn how to harness the power of AI tools for strategic marketing and communication, and stay on the cutting edge of innovation.

Contact me for a free consultation.


AI Safety Training for Individuals and Businesses

Safety first! I will help you establish guidelines and best practices for using AI tools, balancing data protection with the power of innovation. Learn about data-protection and privacy laws, security, and transparency. I will empower you to harness the full potential of AI in a responsible, human-centered way.


AI Marketing Tools Consultation

I will help you identify the right AI tools for your specific needs, ensuring you invest in solutions that drive results. Together we will design and implement AI workflows to maximize efficiency and aid human creativity.


Crisis Communication/Issue Management Consultation

Dealing with a sticky issue and not quite sure how to communicate it to your employees or customers? I'll create and execute a strategy to guide you through it.


Internal/Employee Communications Consultation

Together, we will build communication strategies and practices to ensure your employees are informed, engaged, and aligned with your organization's mission. Good communication leads to improved morale, job satisfaction and productivity.


Change in Management Communications Consultation

Change is hard, but I can help you through it by executing a people-first strategy. Combining a deep knowledge of brain science and 15 years of communications experience, I will create a plan to help your employees or customers navigate change.


Empathy Communications Training

While I can't make anyone feel more empathy, I can help you communicate more empathetically. This training is great for managers and customer-facing employees. I will give your team the ability to communicate effectively in high-stress situations (e.g., handling a customer complaint) with confidence.


Empathy Mapping Workshop

I'll work with your Marketing Team to create customer personas, and journey and empathy maps. This workshop is designed to give your team the skills and tools to fully understand your customers' needs.


Design Thinking Workshop

Have a sticky project or process challenge? Designing a new product or program? Design Thinking is a proven way to crowdsource and test the best ideas from your team.

Hailey Wilson Communications

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